Pet Love

Common Heart Diseases in Pets

One of your pet’s most essential organs, the heart pumps continually to deliver oxygen-rich blood to every cell in its body, from its nose to the end of its tail. It serves as the heart of their circulatory system. Your pet’s entire body may be impaired by disease, which can negatively impact its normal cardiac function.

Pets can either be born with cardiac issues or subsequently experience them. Some acquired cardiac disorders in animals, such as leaky heart valves or a weak heart muscle leading to heart failure, are comparable to acquired cardiac diseases in humans.

Heart Diseases in Pets

Heart disease in animals is a delicate subject, partly because it is complicated. There are many cardiac disorders, each with distinct indications, symptoms, diagnoses, and therapies. Consult your veterinarian to learn more.

Valvular Degeneration (DMVD)

The heart of your cat or dog resembles human nature physically; it is made up of four chambers with valves that open and reopen to control blood flow. There are valves at each lower chamber’s entrance and between each upper chamber and lower chamber. Age-related heart valve deterioration in cats might cause their blood to stop flowing correctly because their heart valves no longer entirely seal.

The most typical form of canine valvular degeneration is degenerative mitral valve disease. With each pulse, a little blood might flow backward through the mitral valve as it swells and loses strength as the dog age. When your family veterinarian hears a left-sided cardiac murmur during a regular physical examination, DMVD is frequently diagnosed.

Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM)

The cardiac muscle deteriorates due to the family of disorders known as DCM in dogs. Because less blood is being pushed out of the heart with each beating, the walls and chambers expand and enlarge, endangering pets.

DCM that develops spontaneously is regrettably gradual and irreversible. With a quick diagnosis and the knowledge of a cardiology staff, we can extend symptom-free life and raise the quality of life for your cherished pet. Whether your pet has DCM and the optimal diet for them can be determined by consultation with a member of the cardiology team. A cardiologist and vet oncologist in Thousand Oaks will offer the best treatment for your pet.

Heart Arrhythmias

An electrical impulse that passes through the heart muscle starts and regulates each heartbeat in your pet. Each impulse begins at the apex of the heart and moves via a specific conduction route before triggering a synchronized contraction of the heart. An irregular cardiac rhythm might emerge if these electrical impulses don’t start correctly, follow the right course, or pass through the complete conduction system.

During a physical examination, your family veterinarian can see an arrhythmia. You could observe typical signs of weakness, sluggishness, resistance to activity, or collapse at home. Cardiologists can conduct an electrocardiogram (ECG) to assess the heart’s electrical activity if an arrhythmia is suspected. Treatment options include pacemaker therapy or oral antiarrhythmic medications depending on the diagnosis.

Congenital Heart Disease

Congenital heart conditions are present from birth and are brought on by faulty heart development. When your pet’s inspection reveals a cardiac murmur, your family veterinarian will often identify these conditions. Congenital heart diseases can be identified with a quick ultrasound of the heart.

Minimally invasive surgery may be able to improve or repair the anomaly, depending on the congenital heart condition that is present. After these surgeries, pets often bounce back fast and enjoy long, prosperous, and healthy lives. A pet cardiologist in Thousand Oaks can help you accurately diagnose any heart conditions.