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Some Clinical Indicators of Cancer in Dogs

As dog owners, we naturally want to prevent our pets from getting sick, and knowledge is the key to doing just that. Everyone knows that the sooner cancer is diagnosed, the better your dog’s chances of beating it and living longer.

Dogs, like humans, are susceptible to developing cancer as they age. Unlike our human family, they can’t tell us when something is wrong. Some animals may try to cover up their illness from you. To help your dog feel more comfortable while you and your vet figure out the best course of action, familiarize yourself with some of the signs of canine cancer.

Dog Cancer Symptoms to Look Out For

Pet cancer symptoms are not always obvious, but you know your animal companion better than you give yourself credit. Early detection of disease is crucial, both for pets and humans. The following list contains some of the cancer symptoms that are frequently disregarded although they must be addressed.

1. Lumps and Bumps

A strange bump or lump on your dog’s body or genital area may be the first sign of a more serious issue, just as in humans. Although some tumors may be harmless, you still shouldn’t take any chances. Check your pet’s skin once a month as a matter of routine. Verify the areas around the face and the ears. 

Cancer can spread rapidly from a small lump or bump. Always consult a vet if any of the bumps bleed or have discharge. Websites like can give you ideas about the different types of illnesses of your pets that can be fatal to it.

2. Changes in Appetite and Weight Loss

Any change in your dog’s eating habits, such as avoiding food during mealtimes or eating less than usual, may indicate an underlying health issue. Your pet’s weight shouldn’t change much unless you’ve actively tried to reduce it. 

A loss of appetite is just one of the common secondary symptoms. Seek veterinary care immediately if you discover your dog is rapidly losing weight. If your pet manifests these symptoms, you need to consult a dog oncology expert right away.

3. Changes in Behavior

Is your dog suddenly lethargic? Is your dog losing interest in playtime and outings? Have they turned hostile? Most health issues in dogs manifest themselves as noticeable changes in behavior. Distinguish between a lazy and a lethargic dog. Your dog’s temperament is something you understand better than anyone else. 

Please consult your vet for hookworm prevention if you notice a change in his behavior, including excessive snoozing. Seek veterinary care immediately if you discover your dog is rapidly losing weight.

4. Non-Healing Wounds

Dogs with abnormalities like lumps or abscesses frequently try to bite at the affected area, which only makes the situation worse. Having cancer makes it so that open sores don’t seem to heal. Bring your pet to the vet for a complete examination if a cut or scrape doesn’t heal after a few days.

5. Pale Gums

When pets come in for checkups, one area that veterinarians always pay attention to is the gums. This is because the gums can reveal critical information about a pet’s overall health. If you observe that your dog’s gums are pale (typically a very light pink color as opposed to red), this could be an indication of blood loss, which is a factor that frequently contributes to cancer.