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Insurance You Should Get to Protect Yourself From Unexpected Expenses

Insurance is essential to any financial plan—from protecting your car, home, and health to providing security for unforeseen events. In Canada, many different types of insurance are available, making it difficult to decide which ones to get. But do you even need insurance in the first place?

Do I Need Insurance?

Without insurance, you’re left with potentially significant expenses when an unfortunate event occurs. That’s why it’s wise to invest in various types of coverage to ensure you have the protection you need if the unexpected happens.

You should also note that some insurance policies are required by law in Canada. For example, drivers must have auto liability insurance to operate a vehicle legally.

Ultimately, the type and amount of coverage you need depends on your unique situation. If you’re unsure about what type of insurance is best for you, consider speaking with an insurance agent or broker or financial advisor who can help provide advice and guidance.

Types of Insurance in Canada You Should Get

1. Property Insurance

Property insurance protects your home and other personal items from damage or theft. It can help cover your expenses in repairs or replacements if necessary due to a covered event. Depending on the type of policy you choose, it could also provide liability coverage if someone is injured on your property and takes legal action against you.

This type of insurance can include a few policies, such as:

  • Homeowners insurance
  • Renters insurance
  • Flood insurance
  • Earthquake insurance

Your personal belongings are usually covered under homeowners insurance. The exceptions can include high-value or expensive items. These may fall under an additional policy called a “rider.” See property insurance in London, ON, to learn how it works.

2. Personal Health Insurance

Personal insurance protects you from unexpected financial losses due to an illness. It can help pay for health-related expenses, including:

  • Prescription drugs
  • Vision-care needs
  • Dental treatments
  • Emergency travel medical services
  • Physiotherapy
  • Medical equipment

3. Auto Insurance

Auto insurance provides financial protection if you are involved in a car accident. It helps cover the cost of repairs or replacement of your vehicle and any medical bills resulting from an accident. Auto insurance also provides liability coverage to protect against legal action taken by another party if someone is injured in a crash you caused.

The difference between auto insurance from property insurance is that auto insurance is mandatory in most provinces, whereas property insurance is usually optional. Additionally, premiums for auto insurance are typically much higher than property insurance because it covers more risks than just theft and damage to your car. You may read this post for more info, plus tips on what to do after a vehicle break-in.

4. Life Insurance

After deciding to start a family, you should consider getting a life insurance policy. It gives financial security to your loved ones if something happens to you. If you suddenly pass away, it helps ensure they won’t be left with hefty bills and financial responsibilities.

The most common types are the Term life insurance policies, protecting over a set period of time (usually 10-30 years). These policies typically have lower premiums than permanent life insurance, making them more accessible for those on a budget.

Keep in Mind

When considering insurance policies, it’s important to research and understand the coverages you need for your specific situation. Don’t hesitate to ask questions or consult a financial advisor or an insurance agent if you need help. Remember: the right insurance policy can provide peace of mind and financial security in the face of unexpected events.