
Points About Anal Sac Disease Pet Owners Should Know

A lot of pet owners believe that giving exercise, food, and sheltering a pet is all that is needed to prevent diseases. This assumption is where a lot of people get wrong– having an animal be as healthy as it can require diligence and considerable assistance from vet experts.

Pet owners do not know when their pet is sick since the signs and symptoms have not been apparent. An example of an illness that is hard to observe is anal sac disease in dogs. This disease does have symptoms that are subtle until it worsens. Being able to know the effects of this health condition might make us reconsider our dog’s overall health.

What are anal sacs and their functions?

The anal sac of dogs is an integral part of their identity. These organs are used as a territorial marker and to recognize other dogs. It basically helps in identifying their health, age, and some additional information. These anal sacs are used extensively in their lives, and this could lead to some health issues. AEC Memphis can help with pet issues.

Anal sacs or anal glands can have conditions that can have significant repercussions for your dog. Being able to know what these health problems are and what vets can do to assist in these cases is an advantage to pet owners. If you are interested in how veterinarians can help with anal sac disease in dogs, here are some items on the veterinary process you need to know about;


There are symptoms that are associated with anal sac disease. Most of these symptoms and signs are related to their rear end. They may have bouts of scooting, biting, licking their rear end, and even blood in dog stool but acting normal. When these signs and symptoms are present, getting them to a veterinary clinic for emergency veterinary care is strongly advised.


There are some factors that might facilitate anal sac disease that assists in the diagnosis of this health condition. The factors might consist of; low dietary fiber, excessive weight, soft stool, and food or environmental allergies. When these items are established, the medical diagnosis could start. The process of diagnosis could need lab examinations from a 24 hour animal hospital Memphis that can rule out parasites and manual physical checkups.


When the diagnosis of the illness is finalized, treatment will be advised by the vet. Among the most effective treatments that they might offer includes clearing the anal sacs, but for severe cases, flushing might be required to get rid of solidified material. This treatment is done with an anesthetic to minimize pain and discomfort and antibiotics to avoid further infection. After this treatment, pet owners should carefully observe their pet to see if there are any unfavorable impacts that might need to have the veterinarian aware of.


Our dog has a part of their body that is commonly neglected until the symptoms and signs of an illness get serious; anal sacs. These organs are used by our dogs in their everyday routine. This organ is prone to develop disease due to factors that we inadvertently expose them to. Fortunately, vets are there to identify and treat this problem. Getting our dog to a vet when we have observed something odd would be the best course of action.