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How to Prepare for Your Pet’s Dental Surgery: Tips and Tricks

Our pets’ dental health is just as crucial as our own. Dog dental surgery can be daunting for pets and their owners. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with practical tips, tricks, and essential information to ensure you and your furry friend are well-prepared.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into how to prepare your pet for dental surgery and what to expect throughout the process.

Understanding Routine Dog Dental Sessions

Like us, dogs need regular dental checkups to maintain optimal oral health. Routine dog dental sessions typically involve:

  • Oral examination
  • Identifying dental hygiene issues (teeth plaque, bad breath, etc.)
  • Teeth cleaning and necessary procedures

In addition to regular dental checkups, it’s essential to be aware of specialized pet dental services available to cater more specifically to your dog’s dental needs.

Steps to Prepare Your Dog for Dental Surgery

Schedule a Physical Exam for Your Dog

Your veterinarian will likely recommend a general physical examination before your dog undergoes dental surgery. This helps ensure your dog is healthy enough for the procedure and identifies potential complications.

Conduct Bloodwork

Before dental surgery, blood tests will be necessary to assess your dog’s liver and kidney function. This information is critical for determining the appropriate anesthesia technique to ensure your pet’s safety during surgery.

Administer Antibiotics

If your dog has an existing dental issue, such as gingivitis or infection, your veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics to be administered a few days before the surgery.

Fasting Before Surgery

Withhold food and water from your dog for at least 12 hours before surgery. In some cases, your veterinarian may recommend a 24-hour fast. This step is crucial to minimize the risk of complications during anesthesia.

Comforting Your Dog Before and After Dental Surgery

It’s natural for dogs to feel anxious about going to the vet, especially if they’re about to undergo an unfamiliar procedure. The key is to create a positive, soothing environment for your dog by doing the following:

  • Familiarize your dog with the clinic environment
  • Avoid displaying nervous energy or anxiety
  • Stay by your dog’s side before and after surgery

Consulting veterinary surgery experts at Des Moines Veterinary Hospital for tailored advice and support before making a decision can help ensure your companion receives the treatment they need.

Post-Dental Surgery Care and Recovery

Depending on the type of dental surgery, your dog may experience pain for a few days or more, and proper pain management is crucial to ensure a comfortable recovery. Your veterinarian will prescribe appropriate pain relief medications to help manage your dog’s discomfort.

Although individual recovery times may vary, most dogs can resume normal activities within a day or two after dental surgery. Maintaining a supportive and comfortable environment during recovery is vital to help your dog adjust emotionally and physically.

Diet Changes Following Dental Surgery

Soft foods are essential during the first week after surgery to aid in your dog’s recovery. Avoid hard kibble and opt for moist, tender foods instead. It’s also necessary to monitor your dog’s post-surgery treat intake, sticking with softer options like peanut butter or dog-friendly ice cream. Dental chews can be introduced gradually after about a week.

Are you a new bird owner who wants to learn more about keeping your pet healthy? You can find resources and in-depth information on avian veterinary care on this link.

Managing Alone Time After Dental Surgery

It’s best not to leave your dog alone for extended periods during the first few days of recovery. If you must leave your dog unattended, make sure it’s for no longer than a few hours. Slowly reintroduce alone time while monitoring your dog’s separation anxiety levels.

Additional Tips for a Successful Dog Dental Surgery Experience

Open communication with your veterinarian, observing your dog’s behavior, and staying vigilant for early signs of complications is crucial for a positive outcome. Consistency in maintaining a dental care routine for your dog will also help prevent future issues and potential surgeries.


Preparing and supporting your dog through dental surgery doesn’t have to be a headache. You can help your pet have a smooth and successful dental surgery experience with proper guidance, an understanding of the process, and a loving approach. Your pet’s dental health greatly impacts their overall well-being – invest in it today.