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Dog Cancer Treatment: What Pet Owners Need to Know

No dog owner wants to hear that their pet has cancer and needs treatment. However, there are some situations that simply cannot be helped. If your dog has recently been given a diagnosis of cancer and you are thinking about what to do following. Here, we’ll describe the process of treating dogs with cancer and help dog owners understand what they should expect.

Different Types of Cancer in Dogs

There are various kinds of dog cancer, much like humans. The first thing you should do as a pet owner when you discover that your dog has cancer is to determine which type it falls under. The most frequent types of dog cancers identified are:

  • Lymphoma: A type of cancer that targets the lymphatic system. It is one of the most common kinds of dog cancer.
  • Mast cell tumors: A kind of skin cancer that can be found in any body part.
  • Osteosarcoma: A bone cancer that typically affects the legs. It’s usually seen in larger dog breeds.
  • Melanoma: A severe form of skin cancer that is capable of spreading to other parts of the body, like the mouth and eyes.
  • Hemangiosarcoma: A cancer of blood vessels that can damage organs such as the liver, spleen, and heart.

Various Ways to Treat Cancer in Dogs

Once you’ve identified the type of cancer, you must consider treatment options. Your veterinarian or veterinary oncologist will decide on the best way to proceed with your dog’s treatment according to the type of cancer and its particular condition. There are three primary ways that cancer in dogs is treated, and it’s essential to explore all the options. If you want to learn more, look here.


Surgery could be a viable option for your dog’s treatment. If they only have one tumor or if it is contained in a small area. If the margins around the tumor appear clear, many veterinarians will recommend this as the first stage in treating dog cancer. In some cases, it’s the only method of treatment offered, and in other circumstances, it can be performed before or after radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Visit a trustworthy veterinary website or talk to your vet if you want to learn or see more about surgical alternatives for treating cancer in dogs. 


This treatment is used for cancers affecting the blood cells, like leukemia, lymphoma, and other cancers that can be fatal. Your vet will provide you with a prescription for medicines that kill cancerous cells. The treatment for dogs with cancer lasts between six to twelve weeks. You can give chemotherapy medication orally at home or via intravenous infusion.


Dogs with cancers whose tumors are difficult to reach by surgical operation may benefit from this procedure. When treating your dog’s cancer using radiation, a significant dose is targeted at the affected area. The goal is to lessen the number of cancerous cells. Radiation therapy can be given to your dog up to five times per week. Depending on how advanced your dog’s tumor is, this treatment plan can take as long as six weeks.

Costs Associated with Cancer Treatment for Dogs

Treating cancer in dogs is expensive, which is not a surprise. Your Matthews vet may advise an option for treatment that could cost pet owners a minimum of $10,000. A specialist visit for the diagnosis of cancer can cost approximately $1500. The price for radiation therapy or chemotherapy can range from $200 up to $6000. The expense of treatment is quite significant. Fortunately, affordable pet insurance can ease this concern.

Final Thoughts

No matter what the age or breed, every dog is at risk of developing cancer at any time. Even with the emotional burden, pet owners should be alert for any changes in their animal pets that could indicate cancer. A timely diagnosis through regular vet examinations greatly improves treatment and prognosis. The dogs diagnosed with cancer still have hope of living a long and happy life with their owners, provided they receive the best possible treatment.